“That high performance light switch has been turned on… Never let it turn off again.” – Apolo Anton Ohno
Success often follows Newton’s First Law of Motion: “Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.” The daily challenges in each year of 28 Days to Diva are designed to help singers operate in a state of uniform motion when it comes to their careers. Each post focuses on small tasks that can be accomplished in a quantifiable time frame as well as the possible external forces that can change that state of motion. Incredibly successful people have found that state of uniform motion and they crave that feeling. They are constantly creating and maintaining that forward motion while defending against outside agents that slow them down.
Your Day 28 challenge is to Keep Your High Performance Switch On.

Here we are, divas. We have reached the final day of 28 Days to Diva 2014. How do you feel? I hope you feel invigorated, motivated, and inspired. I love writing this series because it reminds me every year why I love what I do. I also love being able to unpack the diva suitcase and see what’s inside. How do we go from students to masters of our craft? It’s a process and I love that process.
If there is one other thing that you should read today it is Danielle LaPorte’s “the grand pep talk.” This is part of your challenge today.
There are soul-justified reasons to cancel. There are times to just stop. This isn’t one of them. Keep going. Show up. Full on. Full tilt. Full out.
Decide to be one of those people who pull it off.
Do what you say you’re going to do.
Don’t let us down.
Decide to rise.
This is my absolute favorite part of her pep talk, “When you transcend circumstances you get special privileges.” It’s true. When you turn on your high performance switch and keep it on, amazing things will happen. You have to keep showing up. You have to show up when it is most difficult. You have to show up when you are unsure, nervous, and feeling blah. Decide to rise. When you activate your superpowers on a daily basis they become easier to access when you desperately need them.
The music world needs your voice and your singing business. We all need each other to be the best versions possible. We certainly do not need to make our field smaller. We need it to grow and be sustainable for everyone that can commit.
Divas, I am so proud of the work you have done this month. Stay in motion. Keep yourself in high performance mode until that is your normal operating procedure. You deserve every success. I hope you will keep in touch with The Sybaritic Singer here in the comments, on the Facebook page, and on Twitter at @mezzoihnen. Tell me about your performances. Tell me about your triumphs! Share your stumbling blocks with the rest of the crew. You’re not alone.